What a fun adventure we had on Bald Head Island!
When Kristen reached out to me about booking Parker’s senior photo shoot she mentioned that they have a place at Bald Head Island and would really like to do Parker’s shoot there. I was THRILLED to have the opportunity to do a shoot on the pristine island and knew it would be a day filled with fun and adventure!
Parker started the day off by having her hair done at the Island Retreat Spa & Salon. Later that morning Emma McNamara took the ferry over to do Parker’s makeup. The salon and Emma both did an amazing job to help Parker get ready for her shoot! It was a busy morning filled with excitement that’s for sure!
When I was on the ferry heading over to Bald Head…I thought to myself… “I’m so lucky to have a job that allows me the opportunity to spend the day on a beautiful island with an incredible family like the Harvey’s!”
I LOVE my job!
When I arrived, Kristen was there waiting for me in the golf cart. We took a quick tour of the island and then headed to their house. I was super excited to finally have the opportunity to meet Parker! When Parker came out of the house she greeted me with her beautiful smile and oh my gosh….she is GORGEOUS! I was so impressed with how easy going she is and knew right then that this was going to be a fantastic shoot.
The Harvey family and I hopped in the golf carts and we took off to find the perfect locations to take pictures. We went to the marina, a street lined with golf carts, docks, the dunes, tree lined streets, beach trails, and ended our shoot at the beach where the sunset painted the sky with vibrant orange colors.
Parker…you are truly an incredible young woman with so much going for you! I enjoyed spending the day with your family and photographing you! Thanks for being willing to stop at all of the locations that I saw along the way on our adventure. Your love for life attitude, amazing energy, smarts, kindness, and radiant BEAUTY are going to take you far in this big world. Keep doing you girl because you are FABULOUS!!
Parker Harvey ~ Broughton High School ~ Class of 2022

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