Today is Carter’s 18th Birthday, so it’s the perfect day to share pictures from his senior photo shoot! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carter! I hope you celebrate BIG and have a fabulous day!
Carter… you’re an INCREDIBLE young man…so handsome, easy going, and just all around AWESOME!
Carter and I had so much FUN walking around downtown and going from location to location! Carter interns at the governors office so taking pictures in Downtown Raleigh was the perfect site to start his shoot. After stopping at several cool spots in the city we ended his shoot at Broughton High School.
Carter… I’m so excited for you and the bright future that you have ahead! Your kindness and charm are going to take you very far! Keep me posted on which college you decide to attend. You have so many awesome choices I can’t wait to hear where you decide to go! Wishing you all the very best!
Carter Brugh ~ Broughton High School ~ Raleigh, North Carolina

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