Sophie T & Tell Solomon | Wrightsville Beach North Carolina


April 2, 2020

Have you ever met someone and you just know they have a purpose in this life? Don’t get me wrong we ALL have a purpose in this life but sometimes you meet that certain someone and you just know… God is working through them in amazing ways! 

I had been living in Wilmington for about 8 months and a mutual friend who lives in Raleigh contacted me to let me know that her friend Erin Solomon was moving to Wilmington and thought we should meet. I will be forever grateful to Marcie for connecting us.

I will never forget the day Erin and I met…we decided to meet at Panera Bread and we hit it off right away. I was so eager to hear about Erin and her husband Curt’s plans to move to Wilmington to start an Anglican Church. 

Once they moved here they didn’t miss a beat! They started and have grown Christ Our Hope Anglican Church into a thriving community of amazing people!

To watch them serve the Lord and our community has been a blessing. 

Sophie T and Tell are truly the most amazing kids. They genuinely love each other, are kind, patient, and have this passion for life that is nothing like I have ever seen. I have had the pleasure of photographing the Solomon kids twice now and we always have a blast! 

Thanks for always going along with my crazy ideas…I’m so glad y’all were willing to climb that tree 🙂

Also, Erin is a talented artist! She designs, paints, and sells the best Christmas ornaments and SO MUCH MORE check out her work here.

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